Undergraduate & High School Resources
Undergraduate Resources
Regional REUs & Internships
University of Maryland (IPST)
- Contact: Professor Rajarshi Roy, rroy@umd.edu
- REU Site: Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics (TREND)
- Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics (IREAP/TREND)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Contact: Dr. Brandi Toliver, brandi.toliver@nist.gov
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
Howard University
- Contact: Dr. Prabhakar Misra, pmisra@howard.edu
- REU Site: Physics at Howard University
Catholic University
- Contact: Dr. Tanya Horn, hornt@cua.edu (primary)
- Contact: Dr. I.L. Pegg, ianp@vsl.cua.edu (secondary)
- REU Site: Physics Research in the Nation’s Capital
Old Dominion University
- Contact: Dr. Balsa Terzic, bterzic@odu.edu (primary)
- Contact: Dr. Geoffrey Kraft, kraft@jlab.org (secondary)
- REU Site: Accelerator and Nuclear Physics
Duke University/Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab
- Contact: Dr. Alexander Crowell, reu@tunl.duke.edu
- REU Site: Undergraduate Research in Nuclear and Particle Physics at TUNL/Duke University
Columbia University, Nevis Labs
- Contact: John Parsons, parsons@nevis.columbia.edu
- REU Site: Nevis Labs, Columbia University for Summers 2020-2022
Cornell University
- Contact: Monica Wesley, CLASSE-REU@cornell.edu
- REU Site: Accelerator Physics and Synchrotron Radiation Science
CUNY Queensborough Community College
- Contact: Dr. Paul J. Marchese, pmarchese@qcc.cuny.edu
- REU Site: A Community College REU Site for Physics Applications in Astronomy, Biology, and Physics Education Research
Lehigh University
- Contact: Ms. Pam Gescek, reu@lehigh.edu
- REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics at Lehigh University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Contact: Peter D. Persons, persap@rpi.edu
- REU Site: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates in Physics
Rochester Institute of Technology (School of Mathematical Sciences)
- Contact: Joshua Faber, jafsma@rit.edu
- REU Site: Multimessenger Astrophysics
Rochester Institute of Technology (Center for Imaging Science)
- Contact: Roger Dube, rdube@cis.rit.edu
- REU Site: Imaging in the Physics Sciences
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey (New Brunswick)
- Contact: Dr. Andrew Baker, reu@physics.rutgers.edu
- REU Site: Physics and Astronomy at Rutgers – the On-Ramp at Exit 9
Rutgers, State University of New Jersey (Piscataway)
- Contact: Dr. Andrew Baker, ajbaker@physics.rutgers.edu
- REU Site: Physics and Astronomy Research at Rutgers
University of Rochester
- Contact: Connie Jones, connie@pas.rochester.edu
- REU Site: Physics and Optics at Rochester
University of Colorado, Boulder
- Contact: Christopher G. Haddad, christopher.g.haddad@colorado.edu
- REU Site: Physics/JILA
Summer Student Theoretical Physics Research Session (SSTPRS)
- 2020 SSTPRS Session
- Physics Professor S. James Gates Mentors Undergraduates in Annual Summer Research Program
- Sarah Bawabe: Untangling the Fabric of the Universe
- SSTPRS: An Adventure in Teaching Physics and Engaging Authentic Theoretical Physics Research by Precocious Students
- A Virtual Spin on a Summer Program Connects Students from Afar
- Proving Einstein Right: The Daring Expeditions that Changed How We Look at the Universe
High School Resources
Physics Research Opportunity for Promoting Equity in Recruitment (PROPER)
PROPER is a summer research program for rising seniors at local high schools. The program aims to increase the number of underrepresented minorities in physics by exposing students to cutting-edge research at the stateโs flagship institution of higher learning and to build stronger connections with local high schools.
The program will be held remotely. Students will be assigned a faculty and graduate student mentor to work on a six-week research project that will conclude in a presentation of their work. This program will include workshops to enrich the studentsโ technical (Fundamentals of physics, Python, Mathematica) and professional (scientific writing, LaTeX, presentations) skills. There will also be social and community-building activities interspersed with the workshops.
With this program, we strive to embed promising high school students in the UMD physics research community to strengthen their physics identity and support their burgeoning careers in physics.
Apply here: https://go.umd.edu/proper_app
For more information, contact:
- Ananya Sitaram: asitaram@umd.edu
- Landry Horimbere: lhorimber@umd.edu
Other Resources
American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- AIP Diversity: Scholarships and Awards
- AIP TEAM UP Report
- American Physical Society (APS)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP)
- National Society of Hispanic Physicists (NSHP)
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Society of Physics Students (SPS)
- UMD Department of Physics Climate Committee
Student Life in a Pandemic: Remote Learning and Self-Care
- UMD Keep Learning: Tips for Online Success
- Johns Hopkins: Emotional Self-Care During the COVID Pandemic
Career Resources
NSBP Job Board
- To view full job board announcements and to apply, visit the link above. You must be logged into your NSBP user account. Please contact headquarters@nsbp.org if you have issues accessing your account.
- SPS: Considering a Physics Major?
- APS Webinars: Careers in Physics
- UMD: Career Center YouTube Channel
- Physics Today Careers and Education Articles
- AIP: Career Profiles