Welcome to the CU2MiP registration page. In order to attend the conference, please complete the registration form below. Note: registration is free!
If you are an undergraduate student, please use this form: https://ter.ps/UGCU2MIP.
Poster Session Registration
We are looking forward to your attendance and participation in the 2021 UMD-NIST CU2MiP!
At CU2MiP, you have the opportunity to present during a poster session. Doing so requires you to submit an abstract. We encourage all CU2MiP attendees to submit abstracts as we have several possible categories. They are as follows:
- Research: for work done in a research group. Examples include work done in a campus research group, during an REU, during an industrial internship, etc.
- Coursework/Teaching: for work done through a classroom experience or on a classroom experience you have helped to develop. Examples include completing a final course project, engaging in independent study, teaching an introductory-level physics course, etc.
- Outreach/Mentoring: for work that is related to an outreach or mentoring program you have initiated, developed, or expanded.
- Other: for work that does not fall into any of the above categories.
The abstract submission template can be found in the link below. Please follow the instructions closely.
The earlier we receive the abstracts, the better. Please email abstracts to cu2mip@umd.edu with the title “CU2MiP 2021 Abstract Submission”. Once we receive all abstracts, we will send additional information about the poster session.